This is the year that I am hopefully going to FINALLY publish the book that I have been writing for the past 10 or so years. "A Stroke of Power: the holistic approach to stroke and brain injury recovery" is getting a ton of work put into it and I have been making some huge progress. The chapters are all coming together and the research is being done that is going to help me to share my theory on the "WHOLE-istic" approach to stroke and brain injury recovery with the world. 

It is my dream that this will be completely life-changing for people going through what I went through - the confusion, the lack of reliable information, the false hope and an unhelpful medical system. This book will have a ton of information, much of which is based on what my life experience has been and what really worked for me. 

I wanted to share the first part of the chapter that I am working on with you all... I would love some feedback! Enjoy, there is much more to come....  

I want to open this section with a radical statement: The nutrients that we take in through our diets are responsible for building the cells in our bodies.

What I mean by that is that the foods we eat can be broken down to the molecular level inside of our bodies (down to the atoms that they are made from), and that when these compounds enter our bodies when we eat the food. They are then recognized, distributed, assimilated (used), and appropriately excreted as needed. They are used to build the cells in our bodies. They are used to give us energy. They are used to improve our cognition. They help us to live full, meaningful lives. These molecules are the basis of EVERYTHING.

It also points at the fact that we can (in theory) quite easily live healthy, pain-free lives just based on what we consume then… right? Sadly, not quite. Factors like pre-existing medical conditions, a broken global food system, a damaged environment and more all add up to many people developing many issues through their lifetimes.

That is also assuming that we are able to consume whole, natural, REAL foods… and unfortunately in today’s world, that is often not the case. It is entirely too easy to just grab for the nearest frozen dinner, bag of cookies, or restaurant take-out menu rather than spending the time and effort that is often needed to create a healthy meal from scratch. I am aware that there are many people out there who eat these prepared foods (and they all have their reasons why… some are even valid).

What it boils down to is that it is a choice. We all have the ability to choose which foods we will eat and which ones we will avoid. We can choose our own portion sizes, and not “supersize” our meals. We can all opt for the apple instead of the cheeseburger, or the homemade roast chicken dinner over the things that fast food “restaurants” try to pass off as sandwiches.

This power of choice in this area of our lives is both liberating and terrifying. Can this power be used for good? Would most people choose that route? Will more people choose the easy route (drive-thru) rather than the more time-consuming, tedious route (home-cooked)?

The food industry is a train wreck these days. “Fast” and “easy” are more desirable than “healthy” and “nutritious”. Many people seem willing to sacrifice things like nutrient value, fibre content, even good taste for things like convenience and ease! Speed plays a role too – decades ago, families would spend hours creating wholesome meals that they would then actually sit down and share together… add a dose of great conversation and some good memories, and THAT was living. These days, we pop a frozen dinner in the microwave and eat it on our way out the door to get on with our hurried lives.

When did we get so lost…?