Something big is coming. 

I am writing a book! It is on my theory for stroke and brain injury recovery from a "WHOLE-istic" perspective. I will be sharing information about what I feel are three big things we need to focus on if we want to heal from something like a stroke - nutrition, fitness, and mindset. These three things all work together to help us create a balanced, healthy life. 

I have been working on the mindset portion of the book a bit for the last few weeks, and I wanted to share a sort of "sneak peek" to part of it. A huge part of this section has to do with breathing, and meditation goes right along with that. So this is a meditation that I like to use. I will eventually be recording me reading stuff like this to use a guided meditations, but for now, just use this as best you can! 

Breathing is critical for recovery, not just from a stroke but from a lot of other things too! Oxygen heals. So breather. Breathe deep, breathe full. 

Sit down and get comfortable. It may help to lean against something or to lay down. Relax every muscle in your body, slowly, starting with your toes and working your way up to your legs. Breathe. Release any tension that you are holding in your torso. Relax your shoulders and your back. Sink deeper into this place where everything is alright. It is comfortable. It feels familiar and you feel loved, accepted, appreciated. Breathe into that feeling.

Picture an open space. This can be any type of open space you want – a field, a forest, a lake, outer space… go wherever your mind takes you. Focus on the details around you: the petals on the flowers in the field…the flames being tossed out from each star as it burns in the night sky… the slow rolling motion of the waves… it feels comfortable here. Safe.

You have no limitations here. There is nothing holding you back from anything that you want. Your body does not hinder you, nor does it slow you down. You are taking life at your own pace, and that is important.

Picture yourself walking through that space you pictured. What is the path like that you are walking on? Feel the ground underneath your feet with each step you take. Feel the way your weight rolls across your foot as you take a step, from your heel as it hits the ground to the pushing up of your toes as you take that step forward. Feel your arms swinging naturally as you move, matching the rhythm of your steps.

Your steps are even, strong, balanced. You are balanced. Life is happening as it should be, and life is good.

Breathe in deep. Feel the air filling your lungs, all the way up, then hold it for just a moment before you exhale. Push all of that air out of your lungs so that they can be filled up full again and again. Picture the sky above you – what do you see? The sun? Mountains? Stars? Feel the vastness and the openness and the unlimitedness of it all.

You are safe in this space. You belong here. Nothing can stop you here (you are limitless), and you are unstoppable.

Sit in this space for as long as you like.

Slowly pause, and then begin to come back to awareness. Feel your toes and fingers. Wiggle them. Roll your neck gently, your shoulders too. Keep breathing deep.

The difference that this has made to your life is that this space now exists that does not limit you… and you know how to access it. Go there any time you feel frustrated, angry, or unhappy about your life and limitations.

Your limitations will only limit you as much as you let them.