I have been going to the gym regularly (3x per week) for months now, but my limitations make a lot of things that I would like to do there difficult. A great example of that is planks - I have difficulty with getting up onto my toes, as my affected leg gives out every time... until today. During today's really-quite-tough workout, I somehow managed to do FIVE 30-SECOND PLANKS, on my toes, near-perfect form, and I can still (kinda) move afterwards. 

I am shocked and SO PUMPED! I could feel that I was getting a lot stronger over these past few months, but this is a great accomplishment! 

Not only did I do that, but afterwards I rocked a few sets on the battle ropes. Talk about a great way to work out any stress.

So I am left now feeling sore, but great. Proud of myself, and super pumped knowing how well I will probably sleep tonight.